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Have you ever wondered why you’re here on earth? And I mean like really thought about it. It’s a scary thought to dive into and to ponder. What if what we find isn’t good enough? But, apparently, some of us have lived life with the pleasure of never experiencing this kind of existential crisis. If that’s you, I’m happy for you. But I personally have had this question in my life since I became aware of death and its finality which was around 10 years old. If death was something unavoidable, then what am I doing with the time I have here? Why am I even here?

But I’m here today, almost 10 years later, to provide a very simple answer. We are here because God put us here. The only reason you and I exist is because God breathed life into our lungs and gave our hearts a beat that hasn’t yet stopped. 

A simple answer to “why am I here?” is because God wants you here. But the question can go further and ask “why are all of us here? Why do humans even exist?” Again, the simple answer is because God wanted a relationship. And the not so simple explanation is that out of everything He made, He chose us.

He chose us, a broken, wicked, corrupt, and less than unworthy people. We fail Him every day, yet He is still committed to us.

So committed that He sent His son to save us, His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) and His love is unconditional, never-ending, overflowing (Titus 3:4-6). And yet he still chooses us every day.

God created humans to live in and enjoy the creation He had made. We exist because God wanted us to. Out of this understanding, there’s a shift in perspective. You aren’t here because you willed it to be so. You were purposefully and intentionally placed here. You are here because a being outside of us willed it to be so. That means you have a mission intrinsically woven into your existence. That mission is to 1. Love God and 2. Love others (Matthew 22:37-39)

Now, what your life is going to entail is a mystery to you and me, that’s what faith is for. But, when God has made it abundantly clear that HE placed us here, then if we trust Him that He’s good,  our lives will work out for His glory and our good (Romans 8:28)

Why are you here? Because God wants you to be here. What is the meaning of your life? To love God and love others. What ‘purpose’ does God have for your life? I’m not sure, that’s for you to talk to God about. In the meantime, serve Him faithfully because He loves you and will never stop loving you.