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The phrase “I exist for God” has been getting louder and louder in my life as God pulls me closer.

The more I know God the more I realize why I’m on earth. It’s because we are made in the image of God that when we look into His eyes we see ourselves in the reflection. It’s similar to how knowing the background of a painter may help you better understand the painting. Or knowing the poet will help you understand their poems. It’s no different with the Father.

Last week I wrote a blog called “Why Am I Here?” and spoke about the reason we’re on earth is that God wants us to be. But why does He want us here? Genesis holds a clear answer for us.

Genesis 2:15 “The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” 

The word “work” in Hebrew is avodah which means “to work; to worship”. It means both work and worship at the same time. That our work is worship and our worship is our “work”. 

So the first part of humanity’s purpose was to tend the garden and to be fruitful and multiply. But God didn’t just give us a to-do list and leave us to complete it. It’s intentional that the word avodah reflects a second, much more fulfilling meaning.

We are beings placed here with a purpose, and that is to worship.

And not just singing and praising God with music, but praising God with every area of our lives.

But remember, we were put in the garden to work it, tend to it, keep it, and rule over it. It wasn’t just to exist in it but to grow it. Today we have jobs, responsibilities, tasks that have to get done because it’s what keeps our world spinning. And here is where we take a step back and realize that our work IS worship.

When we are faithful in the areas God has called us to, we are giving Him the glory and praise He deserves. We were created to worship God with our work, with our hands, our bodies, our words, our actions. Worship, now, isn’t just limited to a church service or a nice song in the car, but instead is now a lifestyle.

Worship is a lifestyle

We were made to worship Yahweh. We exist for Yahweh.

I had a surreal experience while I was leading worship a few days ago. I was playing the piano and when I looked at my hands and it became clear to me that my hands were made to play the piano. God gave me the desire and gift to play the piano for His glory. The only reason I was there was because God wanted me to be there.

The only reason I worship because God created me to do it

It humbled me to realize that my talents and desires were given to me to worship the one who gave them. I exist to glorify God; I exist for God. My prayer is that while you’re reading this, the Holy Spirit is shifting your perspective to see your life how God sees it: as a display and showcase of His glory and power. And because of that be encouraged to do exactly what you were created to do: avodah.