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So often we just want to jump ahead and get to the end product of things. We rush ahead and finish a task so we can go on to the next thing and the next. Or we have all these big dreams and we just want them to happen already. But I want to remind you that there is beauty and fulfillment IN the preparation. If we try in our own strength to get to the end without letting God guide us through it, we will either 1 never arrive, or 2 arrive but completely unprepared and we fail it. Don’t skip the preparation.

Preparation allows God to do the talking

This week, I had life groups to speak at, an event to speak at, games to lead, worship to lead. Events where I had to prepare something to give to others. I could have easily said “God, I know you’ll be there when I get there.” and done nothing to prepare. And I’m sure I would’ve had SOMETHING to say, teach, and give. But the difference was letting God prepare me with what HE had to say, teach, and give.

And in that quiet time with God, He taught me, gave me new revelations, and invited me to go deeper with Him. 

He told me things that weren’t meant for me to tell others. Instead, that preparation was an opportunity for God to speak to my heart only. He invites us all into closer intimacy when we humble ourselves and allow Him to teach us.

I want to use David as an example of not skipping the preparation. David was a kid who God anointed to be king from a young age. But at the time David was anointed, there was another king – King Saul. Saul and the Israelites were up against the Philistines who had a mighty warrior named Goliath. But when David saw Goliath, he asked “Who is this guy that he should mock the army of the living God?” (1 Samuel 17:26). And then David said HE would be the one to kill Goliath. He knew that since God delivered him before, he would do it again. So he went and grabbed 5 stones from a river. Then he walked up to Goliath, took one stone, and shot him. Goliath came falling down! yay victory! yay God was faithful!

Here’s what I want to point out when it comes to not skipping the preparation

Preparation is more fulfilling

David still had to go and prepare those 5 stones. If he didn’t grab them and just went up with nothing, who knows what would have happened. But instead, he prepared something for a victory God told him was already his. David collected – prepared – 5 stones but only used one.

When you allow God to prepare you for what He calls you to, you will be given SO MUCH MORE than you need.

In the preparation, you receive deeper understanding, deeper revelation, are filled with more faith, and leave equipped! The preparation is MORE FULFILLING than the actual manifestations of whatever dream God has given you. So DON’T SKIP THE PREPARATION! DON’T SKIP THE PROCESS! DON’T RUSH AHEAD! Look at where you are in your walk with God and ask what He is preparing in you RIGHT NOW. If you find yourself hoping for it to be tomorrow already, stop to see what God is saying today! He wants to go deeper today. He wants to give you MORE than just what you ‘need’ to be successful.

Don’t skip the preparation. 

Sometimes the waiting and the preparation are hard to go through, but they are times to go deeper with God! Check out my post on the perfection in the struggle.