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Experience the Father's Love

A life devoted to spreading the love of the father, a vessel pouring out to those around her.

  Revival starts with us


God’s promises don’t wait for anyone, so why should I? For a while, the dreams God gave me were stalled because I didn’t see an opportunity or stage, but God told me I don’t need to wait on others for me to step into what He’s promised me. That goes for you too. We can’t sit around and wait for the perfect opportunity to see revival, because we’ll miss it if we do. Instead it can start with us in our rooms, homes, cars, schools, and offices. I hope to encourage you, anyone of any age, to dig deeper and shout louder about the goodness of God.

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What Others Intend for Evil, God Intends for Good

What Others Intend for Evil, God Intends for Good

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people."Genesis 50:20 (NLT) God’s plan for us is good and perfect… But sometimes we get things thrown at us that start to make us think “maybe...

Letting Go vs Surrender

Letting Go vs Surrender

We all go through things in life where one of the first, yet hardest, response is to just “let it go”. That person offended you? Let it go. You can’t get over your ex? Let it go. You didn’t get the raise or promotion that you worked so hard for? Let it go. But when we...


My friend Ellyce and I host a podcast called Pure Hearts. There we talk about any and every topic to help with your walk with God.

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