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“You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”

Genesis 50:20 (NLT)

God’s plan for us is good and perfect… But sometimes we get things thrown at us that start to make us think “maybe God isn’t so good.” Time and time again throughout the Bible we see God’s favorite phrase:

“Do not be afraid. I am with you. Trust me.”

God never promised a life without trouble or hardships, that’s just the consequences of the fall in the garden. But He did promise us a way to find peace and joy in the middle of our troubles. Furthermore, God has a funny way of turning our problems and troubles into something good and for His glory. He can turn pain into gladness. Sorrow into joy. Grief into rejoicing. Anger into peace.

God never promised a life without trouble… He promised us a way to find peace and joy in the middle of our struggle

Look at Joseph. He was sold into slavery and had his life and hope stripped from him. But God had a perfect plan that turned Joseph’s story to glory.

I recently went through a really hard season of life where I had everything I ever dreamt of and then had it taken away from me, stolen. School, relationships, my own joy, and happiness. But God turned my story into something of beauty and love. Even in my darkest moments, He was there, coaching me and guiding me to His arms where I would find healing. Calling me into a quiet place to just talk and let the Holy Spirit search me and point out all He wanted to change in me. My worst nightmare turned into my biggest blessing because I allowed God’s plan to rule over mine.

Even in my darkest moments, He was there, coaching me and guiding me to His arms where I would find healing

If you are going through something tough, facing opposition from work or school, maybe you’ve been offended by family or friends, or an event took place that has radically changed what your life looks like, take time to sit in God’s presence and allow His awesome power to work in your heart, making your heart right with Himself, and bringing you peace and direction. Find your strength in Him, and find your rest in His arms. Trust Him in all His goodness and you will see peace erupt in places you never expected.